Click on a category below to navigate directly to the resources you are looking for.
Community resources promoting
social connections during COVID-19
Quick Facts and Resources
Cell phone providers for low income consumers (HCA)
Change directions: free resources to help you, your loved ones, and colleagues through this difficult time
COVID-19 projections (UW, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation)
COVID-19 resources: FAQ, fact sheets, information for Medicaid beneficiaries, providers, billing information, resources for PEBB members, and SEBB members (HCA)
Guide to COVID-19 for cancer patients (Mesothelioma Center)
How Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs) can help: Learn how your local ACH can help respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Also refer to this helpful one pager summarizing the ways ACHs can offer support (Washington State ACHs)
How to make a face mask: 5 simple styles (Happy DIY Home)
Poster: Viruses don’t discriminate and neither should we (King County Public Health)
Printable COVID-19 fact sheet (Kitsap Public Health District)
Resources addressing small businesses, taxes, travel, etc (Derek Kilmer)
Tips for recreating responsibly (WA State Department of Natural Resources)
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee provides updated information regarding the most recent recommendations and regulations for Washington State.
When home isn’t safe: Safety planning inside the home (YWCA)
Statewide Resources​
Coronavirus relief fund: Washington State’s estimated allocation is approximately $2.9B. For more state and local information, please visit the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s website.
COVID-19: You Can Fill the Urgent Gap in Oral Health Care (Mouth Matters)
Emergency funds for tipped sorkers and service workers: Emergency cash resource for tipped and service workers. Available in English and Spanish.
Federal funding opportunities: See the attached summary table of recent federal funding opportunities and administrative actions, put together by Manatt Health.
Inslee announces restart of all medical services in Washington
Medical and behavioral health case management resources for Apple Health (OCH notes)
Rule making order: Alien emergency medical access during COVID-19 pandemic (Washington State Health Care Authority)
Safe start: Safe start plans and guidance for reopening (Washington State)
Unemployment resources: FAQ and one-pager regarding difference between standby, shared, and partial work and how to provide benefits during this time. (Washington State Employment Security Department)
WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction novel coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance & resources: WA OSPI, Updaters and Resources Related to Washington state schools.
Washington State Department of Health dashboard provides accurate COVID-19 updates across the state
Local Resources
Clallam County Community Response Line: Toll-free 833-492-0834
If you are isolating and staying home and need help getting food or prescriptions, please call. If you need child care or someone to talk to please call to be connected to services. -
Clallam County COVID-19 updates (Clallam County Department of Health and Human Services
Clallam Community Foundation & United Way COVID-19 fund drive
Clallam County Recovery Shelter is now open. Call 360-301-9350 to arrange for admission.
Clallam PPE Needs: If you are a healthcare provider contact Clallam Emergency Management for PPE needs. Home visiting personnel qualify for PPE allocation 360-417-2430
Food insecurity resource- To help address this urgent need, Clallam County WSU Extension has created a food resources document to connect those in need with food resources.(WSU Extension)
Local food directory: Updated Clallam County farm list (WSU Extension)
Vern Burton Center: The drop off point for donations at the Vern Burton Center 308 East 4th Street in Port Angeles will be open between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please continue to donate masks, gloves and gowns directly to the county at the Vern Burton Center. Contact Becca Yucha if you have any questions. All donations of masks, gowns, gloves, will stay in, and be distributed to, our community.
Volunteers & Donations: If you would like to make a donation or volunteer, contact Becca Yucha, our Volunteer Services Coordinator at byucha@co.clallam.wa.us. You may also report directly to the Vern Burton Center 308 East 4th Street in Port Angeles between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. M-F.
Wi-Fi: All library parking lots have free wifi access in the parking lots (Sequim, Port Angeles, Forks, Clallam Bay)
YMCA of Olympic Peninsula is continuing licensed childcare from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Friday at Dry Creek Elementary School in Port Angeles and Salish Coast Elementary School in Port Townsend, with a priority on children whose parents are first responders or medical professionals.
Free public wifi locations at Jefferson County businesses. Also, Jefferson County Library in Port Hadlock offers free wifi access in the parking lot. The library just boosted the signal so it should be nice and strong.
Jefferson County COVID-19 updates (Jefferson County Public Health)
Jefferson County relief funds: Dove House is accepting applications from anyone in Jefferson County who needs assistance due to loss of a job as a result of the Covid 19 emergency. For more information, read Dove House’s announcement.
Emergency Food Resource List: Updated Jefferson County farm list (WSU Extension)
Jefferson Community Foundation Rapid Response and other Emergency Funds
Ways to support our Jefferson neighbors: Make a donation to Dove House to help clients pay for rent, utilities, and other basic needs. 1045 10th St., PT 98368 Or donate online. If you would like to donate gift cards from local supermarkets, restaurants and gas stations, please give us a call to arrange drop off 360-385-5292
Coffee Oasis Youth Centers- Still Open! The youth centers are still open and serving at-risk of homeless and homeless youth.
Fishline: Fishline’s services are available for North Kitsap residents needing food and emergency services including help with rent or mortgage assistance, utilities, transportation and other basic needs. Our food service area includes Poulsbo, Keyport and Suquamish. Please call for further details, hours and instructions or assistanc (360.779.5190, info@fishlinehelps.org).
Homebound in Poulsbo? To request assistance with grocery deliveries, prescription pickups, or meals, call (360) 517-5037. Are you able to assist? Call the volunteer hotline (360) 517-5037
Kitsap County COVID-19 Updates (Kitsap Public Health District)
Local food directory: Updated Kitsap County farm list (WSU Extension)
Unity in the Community COVID-19 Response Fund: Hosted by Kitsap Community Foundation and United Way of Kitsap County, will rapidly deploy flexible resources to nonprofits and individuals in Kitsap and North Mason County. Contribute to the fund online.
YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties provides childcare for our families with first responders and healthcare workers at no cost. Stay up to date by visiting their news page. They also have capacity to offer meals to community members who are unable to access food due to financial (or perhaps physical) barriers. Contact Susan Buell (sbuell@ymcapkc.org) to get connected to meals prepared by Camp Seymour.
YWCA: Volunteers Needed! Help us reach domestic violence survivors, their children, their family and their friends by distributing our brochures and posters to businesses. If interested, please contact volunteer@ywcakitsap.org.
Wi-Fi: Kitsap Regional Library in Manchester and Port Orchard offers free wifi access in the parking lots. There is also WiFi available in some school parking lots.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Resources
Prioritization Guidelines for Allocation of PPE (Washington State DOH)
PPE Conservation Strategies (Washington State DOH)
Checklist for Healthcare Facilities: Strategies for optimizing the supply of N95 respirators during the COVID-19 response (CDC)
Telehealth Resources
Managed Care Organizations:
LiveHealth Online is offered to Medicaid in Washington state at no cost.
The Nurse HelpLine is also available and can be accessed by the number on the back of member ID cards.
For Providers: COVID-19 resources
Coordinated Care:
Teledoc is available to members 24/7 at no cost.
Apple Health Members and Ambetter Members
For Providers: COVID-19 resources
Molina Healthcare:
Molina Virtual Urgent Care services are available 24/7 to Molina's Marketplace (QHP) members and Molina Washington Medicaid members at no cost.
Molina of Washington Medicaid Virtual UC: (844) 870-6821, TTY 711
Molina of Washington MP (QHP) Virtual UC: 1-800-TELADOC
For providers: COVID-19 resources
CVS/caremark Mail Service Pharmacy Program: (English & Spanish)
Molina Safelink/Tracfone Cell Phone Program
United Healthcare:
Telehealth resources and support for members can be accessed at United Healthcare's COVID-19 resource page.
For providers: COVID-19 resources
Other Telehealth Info:
Behavioral telehealth regulatory relaxations in place during COVID-19 (Behavioral Health Institute- Draft 05/13/2020)
Family Planning Only Program telemedicine services offered during the COVID-19 outbreak (HCA)
Cell phone providers for low income consumers (HCA)
Medicare telehealth fact sheet (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
Medicare telehealth FAQ (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
NRTRC virtual conference recordings (Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center)
Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI): Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI) for spoken languages temporarily available during COVID-19 pandemic by Universal Language. Please visit Universal's website for more information, including webinars and requester guidelines.
Telehealth coverage policies overview (Center for Connected Health Policy)
Telehealth learning series (8 sessions) for behavioral health providers: Wednesdays from 2-3pm PT and Fridays from 11am-12pm PT (Northwest MHTTC and Behavioral Health Training, Workforce and Policy Innovation Center)
Telehealth resources: Links to recordings, slides, and Q&A summaries for 8 previous webinars (Behavioral Health Institute)
Telehealth tips for individuals receiving services (5-12-20 Health Care Authority)
Telehealth toolkit (NW Regional Telehealth Resource Center)
Telehealth webinar (NW Regional Telehealth Resource Center)
Self-Care Resources
Activities for parents and children that can be done at home (Prevention Works!)
How to care for yourself while practicing physical distancing (Mental Health First Aid)
Vicarious Trauma & Self Care presentation and webinar (HCA)
Resources for managing anxiety during stressful times including FAQ answered by licensed therapists
"Stay Healthy, Stay Connected" resource toolkit: Downloadable resources addressing social isolation in the community (OCH)
Strategies to support staff: Out of the box ideas to uplift your workforce
Strategies to support yourself: Self-care bingo card with unique ideas to prioritize self-care during COVID-19
Washington Listens: A crisis counseling program (HCA)
Webinar: Virtual Workplace Wellness: Successfully Managing Change and Reducing Stress
Review techniques and strategies for reducing and managing stress when providing telehealth counseling services from home.
Clinical Resources
Physical Health Resources
Guidelines on Infection Prevention in Patients with Suspected or Known COVID-19 (Infectious Diseases Society of America )
Hospital response to COVID-19: Info regarding what the public needs to know and resources for hospitals (Washington State Hospital Association)
Information for Healthcare Professionals about COVID-19 (CDC)
Behavioral Health Resources
Behavioral health toolbox for families (DOH) Supporting Children and Teens During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Behavioral Health Resources & Recommendations (DOH): This webpage providers links to several BH topics and is updated regularly. Including:
The Behavioral Health Group Impact Reference Guide describes behavioral health impacts and recommendations for some occupations and social roles that could be more heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Covid-19 Guidance for behavioral health inpatient and residential facilities
Weekly and Monthly forecasts for behavioral health agencies and organizations - describe potential behavioral health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and outline behavioral health implications and potential outcomes given different scenarios (such as second or third waves) to inform planning efforts
BH Providers Connect is a listserv where Washington’s community of behavioral health providers, including licensed behavioral health agencies, suboxone providers, clubhouses, peer run organizations, community-based recovery support providers,
COVID-19 information and FAQ resources (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) is co-hosting weekly Zoom meetings designed for recovery peers, and for adults and youth in recovery and family members of people in recovery. Every Tuesday at 9am, register here.
Medicaid behavioral health policy and billing during the COVID-19 pandemic (HCA)
Integrated managed care support during COVID-19 pandemic (HCA)
Urgent financial needs? Announcement for behavioral health providers with urgent financial needs or concerns (HCA)
Waiver of certain behavioral health agency licensing and certification requirements (Washington State Department of Health)
Webinar: Telehealth During COVID-19 and Beyond: Integrative Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders – Dr. Fredrick Dombrowski will walk participants through a mock counseling session with a client, and review transferrable clinical CBT, DBT, and Mindfulness skills for telecounseling.
Substance Use Disorder
COVID-19 & chronic pain management (Six Building Blocks)
Important change in MAT regulations: Practitioners have further flexibility during the nationwide public health emergency to prescribe buprenorphine to new and existing patients with OUD via telephone by otherwise authorized practitioners without requiring such practitioners to first conduct an examination of the patient in person or via telemedicine.
Opioid treatment program FAQ Full approved state and federal take home schedule for OTP (HCA)
Virtual recovery resources (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Tribal and Unique Populations​
COVID-19 resources for diverse communities (National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health)
COVID-19 and the LGBTQ community (WA Nursing Commission)
FAQ for older adults and caregivers (National Council on Aging)
Tribal Resources:
American Indian Health Commission of Washington COVID-19 resources: information and guidance for Tribal programs, schools, and communities
Center for American Indian Health: COVID-19 materials developed for Tribal use. What tribal members need to know about coronavirus.
Indian Country ECHO COVID-19 community resources: newsletters, videos, fact sheets, and other COVID-19 related materials for use in Native communities.
Indian Health Service (IHS) COVID-19 Response Webinar Series offers no-cost live and recorded webinars on variety of COVID-19 topics. View the calendar for upcoming trainings and the archive of previous recorded webinars.
Resources for Providers serving Indian Country (Indian Country Echo)
Tribal Communities Plan, Prepare, and Respond (CDC): Prevention and support materials, plus updated for COVID-19 contact tracking resources
Tribal COVID-19 resources (Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board)
Weekly COVID-19 webinars, live and recorded webinars available (Indian Country Echo)
How You Can Help
Donate Blood: To find where you can donate blood, visit redcross.org.
The Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) is co-hosting weekly Zoom meetings designed for recovery peers, and for adults and youth in recovery and family members of people in recovery. Every Tuesday at 9am, register here.
FEMA: Info regarding donations and volunteer opportunities (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Washington needs health practitioners: Health professionals licensed in other states may practice in Washington by registering through the emergency volunteer health practitioner process or by applying for a WA license, which may result in the department issuing a temporary practice permit
YWCA: Volunteers Needed! Help us reach domestic violence survivors, their children, their family and their friends by distributing our brochures and posters to businesses. If interested, please contact volunteer@ywcakitsap.org.
Do you have helpful resources to share?
Send them to OCH@olympicch.org and we will add them to the resource page.