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2021 Board of Directors Retreat


Olympic Community of Health’s Board of Directors recently convened at Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe’s beautiful Red Cedar Hall to learn about targeted universalism and to dive into the 2022-2026 strategic plan. The day was filled with productive conversations, exciting milestones, and in-person connection and celebration.

Targeted universalism

The day began with an introduction to the concept of targeted universalism by Liz Baxter, CEO of North Sound ACH.

Targeted universalism: “Targeted universalism is a platform to operationalize programs that move all groups toward the universal policy goal as well as a way of communicating and publicly marketing such programs in an inclusive, bridging manner. It is an approach that supports the needs of particular groups, even the politically powerful or those in the majority, while reminding everyone that we are all part of the same social and civic fabric” (Othering and Belonging Institute)

OCH is grateful for Liz’s presence, experience, and partnership in this important work. Liz provided examples of how to use targeted universalism and prompted the group to begin to think through how this approach can be woven into the work and decision making of OCH. The presentation sparked meaningful conversations, encouraged shared language around equity, and allowed Board Members to center community needs while discussing the future state of OCH. Check out the recording of Liz’s presentation to learn more!

2022-2026 strategic plan

Majority of the retreat was spent discussing the proposed 2022-2026 strategic plan. Check out a summary of the strategic plan here. The plan outlines the foundational elements of the future state of OCH and includes a value proposition, overarching goal, values, focus areas, strategies, a defined target population, roles for the organization, a high-level partnership model, a high-level funding model, and a governance model for the first two years.

Key takeaways from Board discussion

Partnership model

  • Board members were excited by the flexibility of the partnership model and the opportunity to expand partnerships beyond the current network.

  • It was noted that incentives may look different for each partner and may vary in the form of financial support, resources, relationship, training, and technical support.

  • It is important to consider fiscal equity when establishing financial incentives. Factors to consider include organization/Tribe size and capacity.

  • Projects and potential impact are dependent upon who shows up to the table. Workplans may need to be adjusted to prioritize what we have tangible agency over.


  • Convening is the foundation of OCH and is the strongest strategy.

  • There is strong value in professional communication. OCH’s ability to put out attractive, digestible products is a strength.

  • Suggest a clear and planned advocacy agenda and ensure not in conflict with partners.

  • Need actionable data that clearly tells us what we are trying to accomplish.

Focus areas

  • Opportunity for OCH to take on more of an educator/collaborator with housing.

  • Board members are excited about regional workgroups around projects and opportunity to add value to specific projects based off individual strengths and interest.

  • The strategic plan provides opportunities for partners to take lead and champion the projects within each focus area.

  • Incorporate more patient angle, how do they move through the system.

Financial model

  • The proposed budget provides a window of time for OCH to seek external funding. Board suggests starting that process now, getting a head start on identifying funding sources.

  • 1115 Renewal Waiver dollars are currently not included in the plan. More info expected to come from the Health Care Authority in October 2021.

  • As the target population expands to include Medicare, it is important to consider stakeholders and funders related to those groups (nursing homes, home health, commercial plans).

The Board of Directors unanimously approved the 2022-2026 strategic plan at the Board meeting that followed the retreat.

This is an exciting step for the Olympic region as it provides a strong foundation for the future of OCH beyond the Medicaid Transformation Project (MTP). The implementation of the 2022-2026 strategic plan will be smooth and gradual over the next few years. The plan is set for a soft launch in 2022, coinciding with the conclusion of MTP. By 2024, OCH will implement a full launch of future state work and priorities. All implementation steps will be clearly communicated with partners along the way.

Next steps

The strategic plan intentionally focuses on the high-level, big picture and leaves room for flexibility. There are several key items to consider that are not defined in this document. OCH staff, partners, and the Board of Directors will work on the following:

  • Financial plan and begin to seek funding

  • Measurement and evaluation plan

  • Annual budgets and workplans

  • Charters and participation of the focus area workgroups

  • Governance

  • Change management

  • Expand the table

  • Follow up discussions

  • Monitor and advocate for the region with new HCA initiatives

The OCH Board of Directors, Visioning Taskforce, and staff are excited by these next steps and the future of this work. Together we will foster a region of healthy people, thriving communities.

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