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Salish Recovery, Empowerment, Advocacy, and Linkage (R.E.A.L) Teams serve 1,700+ people regionally


Salish Recovery, Empowerment, Advocacy, and Linkage (R.E.A.L) Teams serve more than 1,700 people in the Olympic Region. R.E.A.L Teams support individuals who are recovering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Team members work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, responding to 88% of regional referrals within 15 minutes. Clients work with R.E.A.L teams at their own pace as they navigate their unique journeys. Read more in our Connecting Community Members to Care report.

R.E.A.L. Teams are the Salish region’s approach to implementing local Recovery Navigator Programs as required across WA State as a result of the Blake Supreme Court Decision. Each team consists of a project manager to engage community and conduct outreach, a case manager, and two recovery coaches who respond directly to referrals.  

How it works

  1. Referral to R.E.A.L. Team by law enforcement or community members.  

  2. R.E.A.L. Team responds according to individual client’s needs with the goal to support people towards recovery on their own trajectory.  

  3. Warm handoff referrals as needed.  

  4. Flexible funding is available to meet the client’s needs.  

  5. Operational Workgroup gathers local boots on the ground to problem solve around individual cases as well as community barriers. 

  6. Operational Workgroups meet regularly to coordinate care and avoid duplication across involved partners.  

  7. Policy Coordination Group (PCG) engages higher level leadership who can support system change. 



  • 1,731 individuals served regionally.

Clallam: 874

Jefferson: 157

Kitsap: 700

  • 88% of regional referrals responded to in 0-15 minutes


OCH is honored to share the success of the Salish R.E.A.L Teams. We are inspired by their continuing commitment to timely, compassionate care that meets individual client needs. Read more about this and other successes in our new Connecting Community Members to Care report.

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